
Legacy of the crystal shard dwarven valley
Legacy of the crystal shard dwarven valley

  1. #Legacy of the crystal shard dwarven valley update#
  2. #Legacy of the crystal shard dwarven valley full#
  3. #Legacy of the crystal shard dwarven valley plus#
  4. #Legacy of the crystal shard dwarven valley free#

He then demanded an explanation from the PCs. He yelled at the guards and it was pretty clear that guests, especially non-Dwarven guests, were not welcomed. When the heroes entered the Hall of Black Ice, Baerick was not happy to see them. By the time they reached the large chamber where they were to meet Baerick they were surrounded by eight guards, most with weapons and armor made from the black ice. As the passed deeper into the tunnels more guards appeared. Tricked into a situation where they really didn’t have any choice but to comply they accompanied the guards. The guards told the PCs they had to pay a toll to enter which they reluctantly agreed to do. They explained they had a lucrative offer for Baerick that had to do with black ice. The party realized they had no chance of finding their way out unassisted and pleaded for entry. The guards told the PCs they were not welcome and had to turn back. The guide ran ahead, past the guards and into another tunnel leaving the PCs at the mercy of the guards. He then led them to checkpoint where four no-nonsense Dwarven guards stood at attention. He led them round and round for about 30 minutes until he was sure the party was lost (they all rolled single digit Dungeoneering and Perception checks). The party followed one guard into the tunnels.

#Legacy of the crystal shard dwarven valley free#

The greedy Dwarves agreed to bring the party to their leader, Baerick Hammerstone, free of charge. Rolling on his +2 Bluff score an 18 came up. Thinking quick on his feet, the newest party member (the Seeker) said that the party found a rich deposit of the black ice not too far away and he was here to divulge the location for a finder’s fee. The Dwarves decided it wasn’t worth helping the PCs and told them to go away if they wouldn’t pay 25 gp. It was clear he didn’t want to split the commission which led to more arguing. Eventually one of the Dwarves said he’d do it for 10 gp, but he had to get paid personally. The PCs tried to negotiate the Dwarves down. The Barbarian brought the conversation about weaponry back to his hammer and the Dwarves said they’d escort the party into the Dwarven settlement for the outrageous price of 25 gp. One of the Dwarves held up his axe and told the PCs that it was made from black ice and it was the best weapon he’d ever owned.

#Legacy of the crystal shard dwarven valley full#

One of the PCs commented on the black material and the Dwarves immediately gave them their full attention. One even had armor made of the stuff which looked like black ice. When the PCs got closer they noticed that some of these Dwarves were armed with weapons made from a reflective black material. The PCs used the distraction to move closer. This caused another round of arguing among the Dwarves. The guards discussed it and eventually named two different artisans. He asked them if they knew a Dwarven craftsman who would be able to match the artistry and have the hammer inlayed with gold. The Barbarian then stepped forward and showed the guards the fine Dwarven hammer he’d found in the Dragon’s lair. They said that Stokely Silverstream was a traitor and that he “refuses to protect our treasure.” They clearly dislike Silverstream and went on badmouthing him for a few minutes. The PCs then added her last name, Silverstream, which got the guards riled up. The guards said they had no idea who that was and that the PCs would have to turn back. The arguing ended abruptly and the guards called for the PCs to halt and state their business.įirst the PCs said they were here to collect a debt from Hilda. The PCs advanced with caution and got within about 100 feet of the Dwarves before one of them finally noticed the adventurers. They eventually spotted five Dwarves guarding a stone door into the Dwarven mines. They couldn’t see the source of the noise, but it was clear that numerous Dwarves were bickering and arguing, and whatever the reason it was quite heated. The PCs heard arguing as they headed deeper into the valley. With Hengar in the lead, the party avoided any random encounters and reached the Southern end of the Dwarven Valley as the sun was setting. Fortunately the weather cleared and the party didn’t have to face any new snow, just the deep powder on the ground. The journey took the better part of a day. The party consisted of a Tiefling Paladin, Dragonborn Cavalier, Gnoll Barbarian, and Shadar-Kai Seeker (played by special guest star Alton/Marc Talbot from 20 Foot Radius).

#Legacy of the crystal shard dwarven valley plus#

My level 4 4e table had four players plus I had Hengar ready as an NPC if needed. The level 3 D&D Next table had five players. The two level 1 D&D Next tables were full with six players at each table. This week we ran four tables at Harry T North in Toronto. Our next updated (which I’ll call week 7) will be on January 9.

#Legacy of the crystal shard dwarven valley update#

There will be no D&D Encounters update on Dungeon’s Master on December 26 or January 2. NOTICE: We’re taking a break from D&D Encounters over the Christmas holidays since our FLGS is closed.

Legacy of the crystal shard dwarven valley